
Journal, September 18, 1976 PM

It was an appropriate last party for the pastures and forages group. 7 of us are still here for it. We went to La Libertad, to the beach. We just had a nice day of it, playing with a football, drinking beer and playing euchre. No regrets, no sad farewells. We’re a special bunch. We got along well and easily from the first, and as the time to split up approaches, we say, “Well, if I never see you again, have a good life.” Mike {Staigers} originated the phrase, & will be the first to go. He takes with him his tiny (15 year-old looking) wife-to-be and her almost 5 year-old son. It isn’t going to be easy, but Mike seems very ready & very “calmado {calm}”. Buena suerte, que le vaya bien! {Good luck, may everything go well for you!}

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