

This is a blog, constructed from the journal entries, letters, cards, photos and other images I have from my 3+ years (nearly 41 months) in the Peace Corps, August 3, 1974 to December 21, 1977.

If you wish to read my whole story, as recorded, you should navigate to the blog archive and begin with the post “Letter, August 3, 1974." All of my posts, except the last two, contain either complete or partial dates, and they are in chronological order. So you can read all 561 posts in order, and have the complete tale!

If you are curious, but less ambitious, and in particular if you are a visual learner, I recommend you start by browsing those posts with titles that begin with the word Images. Navigate to the blog archive and start with the post “Images, August 1974.” The “Images” posts contain photos and other images I’ve preserved. Each image has a short description with it. Like all posts, they are in chronological order. There are 41 “Images” posts, one for each month of my Peace Corps service.

Of course you can also use keyword searches to find all posts related to a place, person, or other thing that interests you. Happy browsing and reading!

Note: I began the process of transferring my letters, journal entries, photos, etc. to blog format in August of 2014 (40 years after the start of my time in Peace Corps). So, to get to my first entries, you must first click on the node for the year 2014, if it is not already expanded, and then on the month of Aug. (August).

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