
Letter, January 16, 1977

Mom, Dad & all,

I arrived in Costa Rica without a hitch and had a fair-sized reception committee waiting for me at the airport. <Everyone here is OK except Sofia’s Dad, who fell off a ladder and broke his leg.> He’s getting around pretty good on crutches though. He hobbled down to see the La Asunión soccer team play the other night.

Doña Carmen’s mother is still hanging on, though she is so bad they take turns staying up nights with her. I guess they fed her the asparagus. I haven’t seen it since I gave it to Doña Carmen. I don’t expect it’ll do much for cancer though.

<Sofia & I have decided to change the wedding from March 4th to Saturday, March 5th so that if you come down with that tour Jan is checking on, you’ll be here a day before the wedding & things won’t be so rushed. Sofia is anxious to meet you, Mom & Dad.> Pilar has given her a very positive impression of you.

Pilar & Jaime {Olson} are getting along fine. We had a beer with them last night. Pilar really enjoyed her stay in Wisconsin and seems to have lost her fear of the cold.

At the grain lab they are giving me an experiment of my own to run as a special project. My bosses were not disturbed about the crossed wires concerning the grain probes. They realized afterwards that Dr. Echandi had sent the letter to one company and called another. The probes that were sent by airfreight are already here & in immigration so we’ll have them soon. I’m glad we didn’t accept delivery of the second set!

My God it was hot yesterday! I was uncomfortable even sitting still. My body has undergone quite a change in temperature inside a week, but seems none the worse for wear.

I hope you’re getting lots of snow.

Take care,


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