
Letter, April 2, 1975

Dear Mom, Dad & all,

How is Dad feeling of late? I imagine he’s starting to worry about getting the land worked & the oats planted. If you get desperate maybe I can plead family emergency & get them to give me a couple weeks off to come home & help! I’m only half kidding as I still am not doing much here. They promised me we would start my social study this week, so maybe they’ll come through this time!

Over Easter I climbed the San Vicente Volcano with 3 other PCVs {Peace Corps Volunteers} and some Salvadorans. It was a long climb, but it is beautiful (& cool!) up in the mountains. We found lots of fruit trees on the way up, & I found some raspberries on the way down. We spent one night up near the top, had a fire, & roasted hot dogs. It was great. Afterward we went to one of the popular beaches. What a mistake! It was mobbed with people & we ended up (3 of us) sleeping on the ground in a palm leaf shack! You live & learn I guess.

I am sending a roll of film with some pictures of my site & the volcano. The first picture, of a tree they call “cortez amarillo” {yellow oak}, I took in front of where I live. I have a friend who wants a copy of it, so I would appreciate it if you would make two copies of the first picture on the roll, & send me one to give him. The next three pictures are of the river Rio Lempa near my town, & the rest are of my climb of the volcano. Sorry, but I didn’t keep track of what I took exactly. There is one of the group I went up with. Hope that turns out at least. I don’t know if those from the top of the volcano looking out will turn out or not, it wasn’t real clear that day.

It seems like I’ve asked Jan or else you folks before, but I never did hear what Bruce is planning on doing next year. Time is moving along & I’m just curious. (Why don’t you write me a letter Bruce?) After all, if a brother can’t pry into your personal affairs, who can?

As ever,


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